# CLI Reference

The Pipedream CLI currently allows you to manage components. If you'd like to see support for managing workflows, please +1 this issue on Github (opens new window).

When this document uses the term "component", the corresponding feature applies to both sources and actions. If a specific feature applies to only sources or actions, the correct term will be used.

# Installing the CLI

See the CLI installation docs to learn how to install the CLI for your OS / architecture.

# Command Reference

Run pd to see a list of all commands with basic usage info, or run pd help <command> to display help docs for a specific command.

We've also documented each command below, with usage examples for each.

# General Notes

Everywhere you can refer to a specific component as an argument, you can use the component's ID or its name slug. For example, to retrieve details about a specific source using pd describe, you can use either of the following commands:

λ ~/ pd describe dc_abc123

  id: dc_abc123
  name: http
  endpoint: https://myendpoint.m.pipedream.net

λ ~/ pd describe http
Searching for sources matching http

  id: dc_abc123
  name: http
  endpoint: https://myendpoint.m.pipedream.net

# pd delete

Deletes an event source. Run:

pd delete <source-id-or-name>

Run pd list so to display a list of your event sources.

# pd deploy

Deploy an event source from local or remote code.

Running pd deploy, without any arguments, brings up an interactive menu asking you select a source. This list of sources is retrieved from the registry of public sources published to Github (opens new window).

When you select a source, we'll deploy it and start listening for new events.

You can also deploy a specific source via the source's key (defined in the component file for the source):

pd deploy http-new-requests

or author a component locally and deploy that local file:

pd deploy http.js

Read more about authoring your own event sources.

# pd describe

Display the details for a source: its id, name, and other configuration details:

pd describe <source-id-or-name>

# pd dev

pd dev allows you to interactively develop a source from a local file.pd dev will link your local file with the deployed component and watch your local file for changes. When you save changes to your local file, your component will automatically be updated on Pipedream.

pd dev <file-or-name>

If you quit pd dev and want to link the same deployed source to your local file, you can pass the deployed component ID using the --dc flag:

pd dev --dc <existing-deployed-component-id> <file-or-name>

# pd events

Returns historical events sent to a source, and streams emitted events directly to the CLI.

pd events <source-id-or-name>

By default, pd events prints (up to) the last 10 events sent to your source.

pd events -n 100 <source-id-or-name>

pd events -n N retrieves the last N events sent to your source. We store the last 100 events sent to a source, so you can retrieve a max of 100 events using this command.

pd events -f <source-id-or-name>

pd events -f connects to the SSE stream tied to your source and displays events as the source produces them.

pd events -n N -f <source-id-or-name>

You can combine the -n and -f options to list historical events and follow the source for new events.

# pd help

Displays help for any command. Run pd help events, pd help describe, etc.

# pd init

Generate new app and component files from templates.

# pd init app

Creates a directory and an app file from a template

# Creates google_calendar/ directory and google_calendar.mjs file
pd init app google_calendar

# pd init action

Creates a new directory and a component action from a template.

# Creates add-new-event/ directory and add-new-event.mjs file
pd init action add-new-event

# pd init source

Creates a new directory and an event source from a template.

# Creates cancelled-event/ directory and cancelled_event.mjs file
pd init source cancelled-event

You can attach database, HTTP, or Timer props to your template using the following flags:

Prop type Flag
Database --db
HTTP --http
Timer --timer

For example, running:

pd init source cancelled-event --db --http --timer

will include the following props in your new event source:

props: {
  db: "$.service.db",
  http: "$.interface.http",
  timer: "$.interface.timer",

# pd list

Lists Pipedream sources running in your account. Running pd list without any arguments prompts you to select the type of resource you'd like to list.

You can also list specific resource types directly:

pd list components
pd list streams

sources and streams have shorter aliases, too:

pd list so
pd list st

# pd login

Log in to Pipedream CLI and persist API key locally. See Logging into the CLI for more information.

# pd logout

Unsets the local API key tied to your account.

Running pd logout without any arguments removes the default API key from your config file.

You can remove the API key for a specific profile by running:

pd logout -p <profile>

# pd logs

Event sources produce logs that can be useful for troubleshooting issues with that source. pd logs displays logs for a source.

Running pd logs <source-id-or-name> connects to the SSE logs stream tied to your source, displaying new logs as the source produces them.

Any errors thrown by the source will also appear here.

# pd publish

To publish an action, use the pd publish command.

pd publish <filename>


pd publish my-action.js

# pd signup

Sign up for Pipedream via the CLI and persist your API key locally. See the docs on Signing up for Pipedream via the CLI for more information.

# pd update

Updates the code, props, or metadata for an event source.

If you deployed a source from Github, for example, someone might publish an update to that source, and you may want to run the updated code.

pd update <source-id-or-name> --code https://github.com/PipedreamHQ/pipedream/blob/master/components/http/sources/new-requests/new-requests.js

You can change the name of a source:

pd update <source-id-or-name> --name new-awesome-name

You can deactivate a source if you want to stop it from running:

pd update <source-id-or-name> --deactivate

or activate a source you previously deactivated:

pd update <source-id-or-name> --activate

# Profiles

Profiles allow you to work with multiple, named Pipedream accounts via the CLI.

# Creating a new profile

When you login to the CLI, the CLI writes the API key for that account to your config file, in the api_key field:

api_key = abc123

You can set API keys for other, named profiles, too. Run

pd login -p <profile>

<profile> can be any string of shell-safe characters that you'd like to use to identify this new profile. The CLI opens up a browser asking you to login to your target Pipedream account, then writes the API key to a section of the config file under this profile:

api_key = def456

You can also run pd signup -p <profile> if you'd like to sign up for a new Pipedream account via the CLI and set a named profile for that account.

# Creating a profile for an organization

If you're working with resources in an organization, you'll need to add an org_id to your profile.

  1. Retrieve your organization's ID
  2. Open up your Pipedream config file and create a new profile with the following information:
api_key = <API Key from org settings>
org_id = <Org ID from org settings>

When using the CLI, pass --profile <profile_name> when running any command. For example, if you named your profile my_org, you'd run this command to publish a component:

pd publish file.js --profile my_org

# Using profiles

You can set a profile on any pd command by setting the -p or --profile flag. For example, to list the sources in a specific account, run:

pd list sources --profile <profile>

# Version

To get the current version of the pd CLI, run

pd --version

# Auto-upgrade

The CLI is configured to check for new versions automatically. This ensures you're always running the most up-to-date version.

# CLI config file

The pd config file contains your Pipedream API keys (tied to your default account, or other profiles) and other configuration used by the CLI.

If the XDG_CONFIG_HOME env var is set, the config file will be found in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pipedream.

Otherwise, it will be found in $HOME/.config/pipedream.

# Analytics

Pipedream tracks CLI usage data to report errors and usage stats. We use this data exclusively for the purpose of internal analytics (see our privacy policy (opens new window) for more information).

If you'd like to opt-out of CLI analytics, set the PD_CLI_DO_NOT_TRACK environment variable to true or 1.

Still have questions?

Please reach out if this doc didn't answer your question. We're happy to help!